Annex "Flyway"


Annex 1

Species and populations for which updates of flyway population trends have been included in this chapter. Given are species and flyway population name, if the flyway delineation is well defined or more knowledge needed, if the flyway trend is based on wintering or breeding bird data, the long term trend as % change per year, the long term trend category, the long term trend period, the short term trend, short term trend category short term trend period, the waterbird family the species belongs too, the breeding region of the population and the importance of the Wadden Sea for the population.


Annex 2

The 50 most important wintering sites for Wadden Sea populations. The given are country, site name, the aggregated international importance for the Wadden Sea important populations (category 1 in Annex 1), the number of Wadden Sea populations with 1% or more of their flyway population size at the site and the average total number of wintering waterbirds (all species, not only the Wadden Sea important ones) in January 2016-2020. The aggregated international importance is based on the comparison of the average winter number 2016 – 2020 at the site with their total flyway population size (Wetlands International 2021). The resulting percentages of each flyway population occurring at that site are summed towards the aggregated international importance (Harebottle & Underhill 2016).