Annex "Salt marshes"
Annex I: Methods
Table I.1: Overview of available monitor data of salt marshes for salt-marsh vegetation in the countries covering the whole area (GIS data, based on aerial photographs and ground truth covering the whole Wadden Sea area).
1) Rotating monitoring schedule of sites with an interval of 5–7 years (since 1980), VEGWAD-programme, Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment (Table I.2)
2) Salt marshes on the Halligen and islands excluded
3) Inventory of salt marshes: Ribe Amt, 2002: Strandenge i Ribe Amt – Status 2000
4) Survey of salt marshes inside the Natura2000 site in the Wadden Sea area
5) In the framework of the Danish NOVANA programme
Table I.2: VEGWAD monitoring programme 2008 – 2018 in the Netherlands: 6 year-cycle of vegetation mapping in the VEGWAD-programme by Rijkswaterstaat. Publication of the vegetation maps is planned two years after aerial photographs are taken.
Annex II: Distribution of TMAP vegetation types and habitats
Table II.1: Incidence of vegetation types across the Netherlands and German sectors of the Wadden Sea specified per island, and on the mainland coast per region or site based on the most recent survey per sector.
Table II.2: Incidence of salt-marsh habitat types in the Danish Wadden Sea based on the most recent survey.
Annex III: Inventory of recent accretion studies in Wadden Sea salt marshes
Table III.1: Inventory of surface-elevation change (SEC) in Wadden Sea salt marshes. The table presents the data that were used to compile Figure 12. Each site was considered as a single case. Spatial resolution per site varied greatly, for example from 3 Sedimentation-Erosion-Bar (SEB) stations on Vlieland up to almost 10 km of levelling transects in the Dollard. In case of repeated measurements, surface-elevation change was based on the difference in surface elevation between the first and last measurement.
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