Annex "Salt marshes"
Annex I: Methods
Table I: Overview of available vegetation monitoring data of salt marshes in the countries covering the whole area (GIS data, based on aerial photographs and ground truth covering the whole Wadden Sea area) (Download Table as PDF).
Annex II: Incidence of salt-marsh vegetation types and habitat types in the Wadden Sea
Table II.1. Incidence (% cover area) of vegetation types across the Netherlands and German sectors of the Wadden Sea specified per island and site on the mainland coast based on the most recent survey per sector (Download Table as PDF).
Table II.2. Incidence (% cover area) of salt-marsh habitat types in the Danish Wadden Sea based on the most recent survey (Download Table as PDF).
Annex III: Inventory of recent accretion studies in Wadden Sea salt marshes
Table III: Inventory of surface-elevation change (SEC) in Wadden Sea salt marshes, limited to data used in this report and collected after 2000 (if possible). The table presents the data that were used to compile Figure 7. Each site was considered as a single case and spatial resolution per site varied (Download Table as PDF).
Annex IV: Overview of coastal realignment sites and restoration projects in the Wadden Sea
Table IV: The degree of restoration success was based on expert judgement according to the extent and diversity of salt-marsh vegetation. In Lower Saxony three projects were systematically evaluated based on geomorphology, hydrology, vegetation and bird data (*). Tidal exchange is unrestricted (U), regulated (Rg) or unrestricted only above an elevated threshold (T). Nature management varies between minimum intervention (MI), livestock grazing (G) and mowing (M). NA = no information available or no long-term monitoring data available to evaluate restoration success (Download Table as PDF).
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